What To Do When You Experience These 3 Orthodontic Problems

20 October 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When something goes wrong with your orthodontics, it can be uncomfortable, painful, and cause soreness. Until you can make a trip to your orthodontist to inspect the problem, there are some things you can do at home to give you temporary relief in these 3 situations.

Minor Pain And Tenderness

It is common to experience some minor pain and tenderness when wearing braces, especially right after they are put on for the first time. You will not be used to feeling the pressure caused from wearing braces, and you may even experience the feeling as if your teeth are loose. This is because braces straighten teeth by slowly moving them.

The home treatment involves taking pain-relieving medications like acetaminophen or naproxen, which are similar medications that you would take for a toothache. You should avoid taking ibuprofen, since studies suggest that ibuprofen can interfere with the movement of your teeth that you are trying to accomplish with orthodontics.

During your next visit, ask your orthodontist if they can loosen the braces. Pain can be caused by tight braces, and loosening them can fix that. Your orthodontist may also suggest that wearing braces has an adjustment period that will take awhile to get used to.

A Loose Band or Bracket

The best way to stop irritation from happening due to the broken band is be using orthodontic wax. Applying wax will cause the band to not be as sharp, and help you cope with discomfort until it can be repaired. When a bracket completely comes off a tooth, hold on to it until you're able to visit your orthodontist.

Try avoiding acidic foods if the broken band is causing irritation. These foods can cause sores to develop in the place where the band is rubbing against your cheek. If you are not experiencing discomfort, the orthodontist may suggest waiting until the next monthly appointment to fix it.

Archwire Irritation In Your Mouth

Once your teeth start moving into place, it's possible for the archwire to irritate your mouth due to it sticking out the back of a bracket. You should never attempt to cut this wire on your own due to the potential damage you can cause to your braces. Schedule a visit with your orthodontist to trim the wire for you. It is the best way to prevent the wire from protruding and causing irritation.

Now that you know how to handle these three orthodontic problems, you can limit discomfort you are experiencing. Visit a dentist like Family First Dentistry LLC if you have any questions.
