Learn About Root Canals

13 November 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have a tooth that is badly infected or extensively damaged, then you may do well with getting a root canal. A root canal is a procedure that can save the tooth, so the entire thing doesn't need to be pulled. When a tooth is pulled, then you should also undergo a tooth replacement procedure which costs you more in time, pain and money. If you feel you may be facing a root canal, then you want to learn all about them and this article will help with this:

What does getting a root canal involve?

A root canal is done by the pulp of the tooth being removed. The pulp will be the part of the tooth that is damaged, and this means removing it will remove the main cause of your troubles. Once the pulp has been removed, the rest of your tooth will then be properly cleaned, and it will be filled and sealed. Once all of these steps have been completed, the tooth will look and feel like the rest of your teeth, and you can put the pain and inflammation behind you.

What can you expect when you go in to have your root canal done?

When you go in to see your dentist you can expect the exam to begin with an oral exam. This consists of the dentist looking at your mouth with the use of a small circular mirror and feeling your teeth with dental tools to check for soft areas and other issues.

If the dentist spots a problem they suspect may require treatment, such as a root canal, then they will take x-rays. The x-rays will give them a clear picture of exactly what is going on with the entire tooth, root and the surrounding area.

If a root canal is being performed, then they will give you a local numbing agent to numb the area. You don't need to be too concerned about pain during a root canal since the amount of discomfort experienced during one is known for being no more than what one experiences when getting a simple filling.

A small opening will be made for the pulp to be removed and all of it will be taken out. This part of the process is referred to as a pulpectomy.

Once the pulpectomy has been completed, then the tooth will be given a filling, and then it will be sealed using a dental cement that will help keep the filling in place and strengthen the surface of the tooth.

What are you expected to do right after having a root canal?

Once you have had your root canal, it may take a little while for the local to wear off. You shouldn't eat anything until its affect has worn off, so you don't risk biting your tongue or cheeks. Once the local does wear off, you can go back to normal. You want to care for the tooth the same way you do your other teeth with regular brushing and flossing. You want to avoid eating hard foods that can cause damage to any of your teeth, including the one that had the root canal.

Contact a dental office like Ramtown Dental Associates for more information and assistance.
