How To Improve The Appearance Of Translucent Teeth

13 December 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

It's fairly common for people to feel critical of how their teeth look. If your teeth are straight and fairly white but are translucent, you might be unsure why they look that way and how you can fix them. The good news is, translucent teeth are typically a cosmetic issue and don't require emergency care. However, if you're feeling self-conscious about your appearance, rest assured that there are easy ways to fix this problem:

How Teeth Become Translucent

The first thing you should know is how teeth become translucent, to begin with. The reality is, most teeth become translucent due to damage to the teeth. Acid erosion is usually the culprit behind this form of dental damage.

When your teeth are exposed to too much acid, over time, the enamel that protects the rest of your tooth weakens and becomes thinner. This can cause a variety of problems, including making teeth appear more yellow. As the enamel thins, the underlying structures of the teeth become visible, which typically appear brown or yellow. However, at the tips of the teeth, the thinned enamel will usually cause teeth to look translucent because there isn't enough internal material to show through.

Depending on the severity of the damage and the condition of your teeth, there are two main options for fixing this problem: repairing the damage and covering it.

Fixing the Damage

In most cases, repairing the damage to thinned enamel doesn't require drilling or any other intensive procedure. Dentists can use a technique called remineralization that forcibly induces minerals back into your teeth that strengthen the enamel. This is a painless process and restores the look and protective nature of your enamel. It's a great choice if your teeth are damaged enough to put the inside of your teeth at risk from acid damage. In most cases, remineralization can be performed in a single dental visit following a thorough cleaning.

Covering the Damage

If you don't have serious damage to your teeth and only the tips are a problem, you can instead opt for veneers. Veneers are made of porcelain and are designed to look and feel like real teeth. They are attached to existing teeth with adhesive, rather than requiring any drilling or intensive installations.

In addition to covering the translucent nature of your teeth, veneers can also correct other imperfections, giving you the appearance of perfectly shaped, spaced, and white-looking teeth.

If your translucent teeth have you down, all you need to do is contact a dentist to begin the process of fixing the problem. Whether you choose remineralization or veneers, you'll be able to quickly improve the appearance of your smile.

For more information on cosmetic dental treatments contact a dental office near you. 
