This Is Why X-Rays Are So Important When You're At Wisdom Tooth Age

10 October 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When you're in your teens and twenties, your wisdom teeth are developing, whether you know it or not. Many people don't realize that they're developing their wisdom teeth until they're already starting to break through, but dental x-rays can catch them much earlier on. Here are some of the concerns your dentist can spot with dental x-rays that you don't want to miss.


One potential problem with wisdom teeth is that sometimes they experience a condition called impaction. This is where something goes wrong with the tooth and it's unable to fully break through the surface of the gums.

This is a problem because the gums are supposed to make way for the tooth and then immediately close up again around it. But if the tooth is only partially out, the gums can't close. This opens up the opportunity for food and bacteria to get into the hole and cause all kinds of problems for both the teeth and the gums.


Another common problem is when a wisdom tooth starts to come in but it's misaligned. This is more common than you might think.

Misalignment can cause a tooth to come in crooked, but it can also cause a tooth to come in completely sideways! When this happens, it crowds the neighboring teeth and pushes on them, forcing them out of alignment, too. These kinds of wisdom teeth can cause lots of problems before they're discovered unless dental x-rays are used. Then they can be spotted early on and removed before they present a problem.

Early Extraction

Lastly, dental x-rays can help you to experience an early wisdom tooth extraction.

Getting your wisdom teeth out early is better than waiting until later. The longer you have the teeth, the denser the bone will be, and the more the jaw will grow around the tooth, securing it. This makes it more difficult to remove the tooth, as the bone has to be cut away from the tooth in order to free it. This also creates a longer period of time for you to heal after the procedure is completed.

Wisdom teeth sometimes come in perfectly, but more often than not, people need them removed. Don't put off dealing with your wisdom teeth until they're ready to erupt. Get help early on by saying yes to dental x-rays every time you visit the dentist's office. You'll be preventing a lot of pain and potential complications in the process.
