Cosmetic Applications To Improve The Look Of Dental Flaws

5 November 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you would like to improve the look of your smile, cosmetic dental services can help. Many people don't have perfect-looking teeth. Nevertheless, dental misalignments, discoloration, irregular tooth shapes, and gaps can be corrected or hidden.

Here are a few cosmetic applications that can improve the appearance of dental flaws.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth-whitening applications often use products that bleach stains from the teeth. As you eat or drink, the colorants within the food or beverage may become lodged in your tooth enamel's pores. Over time, these pigments accumulate, leading to the progressive discoloration of the teeth. 

Dental bleaches contain peroxide-based chemicals that whiten the teeth. The peroxide bleaches away the stains to reveal a whiter tooth material.

At-home teeth-whitening products are available over the counter. However, a dentist can provide whitening services in their office. The dentist covers the gums and other soft tissues of the mouth to prevent irritation and then applies the professional whitening product to the teeth. The product is allowed to rest in place for the recommended period before it is rinsed away. While the product is in place, a bright light may be applied to the teeth to boost the whitening effects of the application. 

A professional whitening service can whiten the teeth by multiple shades in one application.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers conceal dental blemishes. The veneers are ultra-thin sheaths of porcelain that are shaped like teeth. After a veneer is applied to a tooth, the device is visible, but the underlying imperfect tooth is hidden.

To improve the look of your smile, one veneer can be applied if only one tooth needs cosmetic correction. However, a full set of veneers can be used to completely transform all of the teeth that are readily visible to a casual observer.

To ensure that the appearance of a veneer is as natural as possible, the device is created from an impression of the patient's oral cavity. Additionally, the veneer's color can be matched to that of the patient's visible natural teeth, or for a full set of veneers, the patient can select the brightest shade of white. 

Because a veneer covers the dental flaws, even permanent discoloration that results from birth defects or dental trauma can be corrected. These types of discoloration remain unaffected by chemical bleaches. 

To learn more about cosmetic dental applications that can improve the appearance of your teeth, reach out to a cosmetic dentistry, like Dansville Family Dental Care.
