What Kind Of Dentist Do You Need?

4 November 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Did you know that there are different types of dentists? Because dental conditions come in various forms, dentists can choose to specialize in certain areas. And although a general dentist can treat various dental problems, sometimes, you might be better off choosing a specialist for your particular problem.

Here are some common dental issues and the types of dentist that can treat them most effectively.

Tooth extractions: General dentists or maxillofacial surgeon

In general, general dentists can handle most tooth extractions. This is because general tooth extractions don't require extensive surgery. So, for instance, if you think you require a standard tooth removal, then seek out a general dentist.

If your tooth extraction will probably involve more surgery than usual, then seek out an oral or maxillofacial surgeon. How can you tell if your extraction will be complicated? If your tooth is a wisdom tooth, and that tooth has come in at an awkward angle, then this is an extraction for an oral surgeon.

Sometimes, a general dentist will examine a tooth and then refer you to an oral surgeon.

Braces or orthodontic treatment: An orthodontist or cosmetic dentist

Orthodontists specialize in using braces to straighten and move teeth. If your teeth are crooked or out of place, then seek the help of an orthodontist. But what if you don't like the way braces look? Then you should seek the help of a cosmetic dentist.

Cosmetic dentists can provide you with more attractive or less conspicuous forms of braces, such as Invisalign or ceramic braces. You'll then be able to straighten your teeth more conspicuously.

Improving the appearance of your teeth: A cosmetic dentist

Cosmetic dentists specialize in improving the appearance of their patients' teeth. If a patient has stains, chips, cracks, or their teeth are misshapen, a cosmetic dentist is the person to see. A cosmetic dentist can use veneers, crowns, composite bonding, and even braces to improve the appearance of teeth.

Sometimes, general dentists will be able to provide some of the services that a cosmetic dentist provides. This is because they have had more training.

Treatment of gum disease: Periodontist

If you are suffering from gum disease, then you need to see a periodontist. Periodontists specialize in treating periodontitis, a disease that attacks the gum and bone tissue that surround teeth.

If you have mild gum disease, a general dentist along with the help of a dental hygienist may be sufficient to get your condition under control.

This isn't an exhaustive list of dental practitioners. However, this list should give you a good idea of who you need to see for some of the most common dental conditions.
