Tips To Prepare For Your Root Canal

16 December 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If your tooth is damaged or infected, but still viable, instead of removing the tooth, your dentist might perform a root canal. The process of a root canal involves cleaning out any infected material from the canals inside the tooth. Properly preparing for a root canal can help ensure the process is more successful. Here are a few simple tips to help you prepare for your root canal.

Discuss Your Aftercare Instructions with Your Dentist

Your dentist will provide several aftercare instructions to ensure the root canal is successful and you minimize any damage to the tooth and ensure you are in as little discomfort as possible. Go over these instructions with your dentist to ensure you are prepared and understand your role.

For example, you might be prescribed prescription pain medications or antibiotics to be taken after the procedure. Make sure you fill these prescriptions immediately and take them as directed. Additionally, your dentist might recommend purchasing an ice pack, which will help reduce the swelling and discomfort you might experience after the procedure.

Talk to Your Dentist About Taking a Pain Medication Before the Procedure

Depending upon the nature of the procedure, such as if you are undergoing other dental procedures at the same time as your root canal, your dentist might recommend taking an over-the-counter pain medication prior to your root canal. This can help control swelling and cut down on any post-procedure pain.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol or Smoking Before the Procedure

Stop drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes at least 24 hours prior to the root canal. In addition to negatively impacting your body's ability to heal properly, the chemicals and components used to manufacture alcohol and drugs can interfere with the anesthetic used to numb your gums. Talk to your dentist about your options if you have consumed alcohol prior to your procedure.

Eat A Healthy Meal Before the Procedure

Your dentist will recommend waiting to eat after your root canal. This will allow the swelling to go down, the anesthesia to wear off, and the temporary sealant that is placed on your tooth to harden. Additionally, you will be in pain, and chances are that you will not want to eat. Eating a healthy, balanced meal prior to the root canal will tide you over until you are feeling better and are able to eat foods recommended by your dentist.

From discussing your aftercare instructions to eating a balanced, healthy meal, there are several things you can do to properly prepare for your root canal.

For more information, contact a local dentist, like John B Webster DDS.
