3 Reasons To Make An Emergency Dental Appointment

20 October 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Emergency dental appointments typically cost a little more than standard visits. However, in many cases, they can be the one thing that stops the pain. If you would like to know more, check out these three reasons to make an emergency dental appointment.

1. You Have Severe Pain

There are many causes of oral pain, including cavities and sensitivity. In some cases, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications are enough to help. However, if you have constant and severe pain, you may have an infection or an abscess.

An infection occurs when bacteria reach the tooth's pulp. The pressure from the infection puts pressure on the nerves, causing mild to severe pain. The pain may lessen if the abscess bursts. However, the only treatments are extraction and root canal treatment. In some cases, the pain from a tooth infection makes it hard to focus on daily activities, work, and sleep.

2. You Chipped or Cracked a Tooth

Many people struggle with tooth decay from poor diet and oral hygiene. However, trauma from an accident or sports injury can cause your teeth to crack or chip. At the very least, this can affect your self-esteem, especially if a front tooth breaks.

However, it may also expose the tooth's pulp, which can cause severe pain. Even if it doesn't expose the pulp, losing enamel makes the tooth more sensitive to heat, cold, and sugar. In addition, the tooth is now more prone to decay and infection. A dentist may be able to repair the tooth with dental bonding, but depending on the damage, you may need a crown. If you wait too long, the tooth may need to be pulled or rebuilt.

3. You Lost a Filling, Crown, or Veneer

If you lose a filling, crown, or veneer, you may or may not have pain. However, the tooth will likely be sensitive to cold, heat, sugar, and pressure. It's also easy for food particles to get trapped between teeth or in filling holes.

Last, if you lose your filling, crown, or veneer, it exposes the tooth to possible decay and infection. Even if you've already had a root canal procedure on the tooth, it can decay, weaken, and break without treatment. You probably don't need to keep the filling, but if you lose a crown or veneer, bring it with you to see if the dentist can reattach it.

Oral pain can make your life miserable. It may keep you up at night, and oral infections can even spread to other parts of the body. If you have oral pain that can't wait, seek emergency dental services.
