3 Common Dental Procedures And What To Expect

29 December 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you haven't been to the dentist in a while, you may have some anxiety, especially if you don't know what to expect. Even if you don't have tooth pain, you should see the dentist regularly for preventative care. If you would like to know more, keep reading.

1. Preventative Services

Preventative services include a host of procedures, such as X-rays, cleanings, and visual exams. The X-rays and visual exams help the dentist identify any problematic areas, such as chips, cracks, thinning enamel, cavities, etc. The cleanings are imperative for removing any tartar from hardened plaque. None of this should be painful, so you don't need Novocain.

Depending on your age and/or oral health, you may need additional treatments. The dentist may measure the size of the "pockets" or gaps between the teeth and gums. Large pockets may indicate gum disease, but they also serve as hiding spots for plaque. If you do have a lot of plaque and tartar in the pockets and below the gum line, you may need a deep cleaning. This can be mildly painful, so the dentist may numb the area.

2. Cavities and Fillings

Cavities develop when bacteria in your mouth start to attack the teeth. At first, cavities may only appear in the enamel, but they can spread deeper into the tooth, reaching the dentin. Cavities won't go away on their own; the dentist needs to cut away all the infected and dead tissue. They then replace it with a filling.

If the cavity is small and in the enamel, you may not need Novocain, but in most cases, you will need Novocain. If the cavity was large, the dentist may recommend a crown to strengthen the tooth.

3. Root Canal Treatment

If decay reaches the tooth's pulp, it can become an abscess. This can cause severe pain, but it may also cause:

  • Bad breath
  • Sensitivity to pressure
  • Visible pus
  • Swelling

If left untreated, the infection can easily fully destroy the tooth, increasing the risk of tooth damage and loss. Plus, like any infection, it can spread to other parts of the body.

During root canal treatment, you will need Novocain, and you may need more than normal. The dentist has to fully remove all tissue from inside the tooth. After treatment, you'll want a dental crown to strengthen the tooth.

The dentist is your best ally when it comes to oral health. Not only can they prevent many issues, but they can treat a wide variety of damage and cosmetic issues. If you would like to know more, contact a dentist in your area. 
