Correcting Open Bites In Adults: Why Choose Clear Aligners?

10 August 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Society associates aligners, braces, and other orthodontic treatments with children, but many adults, who did not have access to orthodontic or dental treatments when they were young, can struggle with orthodontic issues for many years. Open bite is one of the most common orthodontic disorders, and it's one that affects people of all ages. 

If you are an adult who lives with an open bite, it is never too late to seek treatment. Open bites can be corrected using effective, non-invasive treatments, and clear aligners have helped thousands of adults conquer their open bites and transform their smiles.

What Is An Open Bite?

When a person with aligned teeth closes their mouth, all of their top teeth touch the opposite, bottom teeth. If you have an open bite, not all of the teeth touch and align properly when your mouth is closed, leaving a gap between the two rows of teeth. This gap may affect your front or back teeth.

An open bite has a number of root causes and may have been caused by thumb sucking or mouth breathing when you were very young. However, many people are simply genetically predisposed to an open bite.

An open bite can make your life more difficult in a number of ways. If it affects your front teeth, it can be quite noticeable when you smile or speak, and can badly affect your confidence. Any type of open bite can also affect your ability to chew foods and speak clearly. Open bites can also increase pressure and wear on specific teeth, leaving you more vulnerable to tooth decay and other dental problems.

Why Are Clear Aligners Ideal For Adults With Open Bites?

Clear aligners are orthodontic devices made from transparent plastic and are designed to slot over your teeth. Each set of clear aligners is individually crafted to match the unique contours of your teeth and mouth. They work in a similar way to braces. Over time, the aligners place gentle pressure on your teeth, shifting them into the correct position. 

It should be noted that clear aligners are not capable of treating severe orthodontic issues. If your open bite is severe, or is caused by problems with your jaw bone, they may not be suitable.

However, if you have a mild-to-moderate case of open bite, clear aligners may be the ideal solution. Here are three reasons why adults with open bites should consider clear aligners:

Almost Invisible

Conventional braces made from metal and rubber are quite noticeable and can be embarrassing to wear, especially for adults. Highly visible braces can even impact your job prospects if you work in a customer-facing career or a career where appearances are all-important (such as modeling). 

Clear aligners are made entirely from transparent plastic, with no metal or rubber components. When worn correctly and kept clean, they are very difficult to spot, even under harsh lighting conditions. If you feel at all self-conscious about undergoing orthodontic treatment as an adult, clear aligners can be a great way to keep your confidence.


For clear aligners to work effectively, they must be worn constantly. However, they can be temporarily removed for short periods, unlike permanently fixed braces.

This can be very handy if you enjoy high-impact activities, such as football or boxing, where aligners are at risk of getting damaged. You can also take them out temporarily to enjoy foods that are tough to eat with orthodontic devices, such as popcorn. 

Easy To Clean

Because clear aligners can be removed, they are very easy to keep clean and maintain. Their fully transparent construction makes it easy to spot food particles and other debris. They are generally much easier to keep clean than conventional braces. 

Reach out to a local service provider to learn more about Invisalign clear aligners treatment.
