What Your Dentist Is Really Looking For During Your Dental Exam

5 October 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Going to the dentist may not be your favorite activity, but it is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. At every dental appointment, there is a standard procedure that your dentist follows to ensure that your oral health is in top shape. Explore what your dentist is really looking for during your dental exam and how it contributes to your overall oral health.

Overall Oral Health

Your dentist's top priority during your dental exam is to examine your overall oral health. The first step involves a comprehensive assessment of your gums, teeth, tongue, and other soft tissues within the oral cavity. This meticulous evaluation aims to ensure a thorough examination while maintaining the original meaning. This examination helps to detect any signs of decay, gum disease, oral cancer, or other potential problems. During the oral examination, your dentist will also look for indications of teeth grinding or clenching, which may result in headaches and dental wear and tear.

Gum Health

Gum disease is a prevalent issue that, when untreated, can cause tooth loss. It is crucial to address this condition promptly to preserve optimal oral health. Your dentist will measure the pockets between your teeth and gums to check the depth and look for any signs of inflammation. They will also look for signs of bleeding, which may indicate the onset of gum disease. 

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay can occur at any age. Some common signs of tooth decay include cavities on the biting surfaces of your teeth and between your teeth. The dentist might also use X-rays to identify any cavities in hard-to-reach areas of your mouth that might be missed during a visual examination.

Bite and Jaw Alignment

Your dentist will examine your jaw and bite alignment to ensure that they are working together properly. A misaligned bite can lead to headaches, TMJ disorder, and tooth damage. Your dentist may refer you to an orthodontist if they feel that your bite is off.

Oral Cancer Screening

Your dentist will look out for signs of cancer during your dental exam by looking at your lips, tongue, cheeks, palate, throat, and neck for any unusual bumps or abnormalities. Early detection is key for effective treatment, so be sure to keep up with regular dental checkups.

Routine exams are vital for ensuring the health of your teeth and gums. Reach out to your dentist for more information about dental examinations
